Tag: qgis

News from the world of GIS

29.01.2011 09:21 ·  GIS  ·  qgis, gdal, osgeo4w

Alessandro Furieri has announced the SpatiaLite Cookbook, an excellent guide to SpatiaLite with many practical examples, optimisation tips and information on using SpatiaLite with different programming languages. You can check it out here.

Frank Warmerdam has announced that OSGeo4W is moving to the recently released GDAL 1.8.0. Instead of GDAL 1.5.4, the default version will be 1.8.0, additional packages like gdal-python, gdal-autotest, gdal-ecw etc. will also be updated or removed if no longer needed.

For compatibility with some packages that still require GDAL 1.5.4, a new package gdal15dll (with the necessary libraries) will be added. This package will be automatically installed if needed.

Since the transition to a new version of GDAL is a rather laborious and time-consuming process, the update of some packages included in OSGeo4W is temporarily suspended. In particular, this affects QGIS nightly builds.

The maintainers of the QGIS OSGeo4W package have already announced that they will rebuild the package with GDAL 1.8.0 as soon as possible, GRASS will be rebuilt after GRASS 6.4.1 is released.

QGIS package with new raster providers

14.01.2011 10:11 ·  GIS  ·  qgis

I have created an OSGeo4W-compatible QGIS package from the raster-providers branch (r15015) and uploaded it to the forum. As the name suggests, developers in this branch are working on optimising raster providers; in particular, one of the results will be support for on-the-fly raster reprojection (already available for the GDAL provider).

QGIS has been built with GRASS and Python support and uses GDAL 1.7.3 (all dependencies are from OSGeo4W). To use it:

kCube will be fixing bugs

12.01.2011 15:25 ·  GIS  ·  qgis

A work front has been selected for the kCube developer. SunilRaj Kiran will work on QGIS bugfixing for 6 months.

If you are interested, you can find out more about kCube and the new developer in an interview that Tim has published.

The first three issues he will work on have already been selected: #13034, #13215 and #12301.

QGIS commit history visualisation

11.01.2011 17:16 ·  Notes  ·  qgis, gource

Nathan has published an interesting video showing 8 years of QGIS development.

The video was created using Gource, detailed explanations of the process can be found on Nathan’s blog. Each cluster of files represents a directory, and branches show the directory hierarchy of the source code.

CSWClient plugin for QGIS

06.01.2011 07:03 ·  GIS  ·  qgis, plugins, cswclient

I have released a first experimental version of the CSWClient plugin for QGIS.

The plugin interacts with the OGC CSW (Catalogue Service for Web) servers and is used to search and view spatial data and related resources.

CSWClient plugin dialog
CSWClient plugin dialog

Among the main features of the plugin:

CSWClient is available from the QGIS plugins repository.

The plugin was developed for Linfinity Consulting for the TanBIF (Tanzania Biodiversity Information Facility) project.

kCube poll

21.12.2010 06:59 ·  GIS  ·  qgis

A few days ago I wrote about the kCube Consulting initiative. The ideas have been collected, and the voting has started. Unfortunately, you can only vote for one option.

So far “Fixing bugs” is leading with 23.8%, followed by “Improving import/export on dwg/dxf” with 8.8% and “QGIS Mobile (e.g. on Android)” - 7.5%.

SQL Anywhere support in QGIS

16.12.2010 06:28 ·  GIS  ·  qgis

David DeHaan has developed a plugin and data provider for working with Sybase SQL Anywhere spatial databases in QGIS. The new functionality is available as of r14918, and the capabilities of the new provider are very similar to those of the PostGIS and SpatiaLite providers.

To build and test this provider, you will need:

You can find out more about SQL Anywhere’s support for spatial data here.

It would be interesting to test and compare the functionality and performance of PostGIS, SQL Anywhere and Oracle Spatial in a real-world scenario.

QGIS Plugin Manager with icons

13.12.2010 17:19 ·  GIS  ·  qgis

This is what the QGIS Module Manager looks like after adding icons to plugins.

QGIS Plugin Manager with icons
QGIS Plugin Manager with icons

News from the QGIS front

13.12.2010 16:04 ·  GIS  ·  qgis

Tim Sutton gave a good overview of some new features in QGIS: a graphical rule editor (which helps to create rendering rules) and complex styles for vector objects (fill, outline and centre marker).

Yesterday, Martin Dobias added icon support to the QGIS plugin manager. Among other things, this will make the display of available plugins more user-friendly and make it easier to navigate through the large list. However, to take advantage of this feature, plugin authors will need to make small changes to their code (add two lines). In the future, after the launch of the new plugin repository, it is planned to add icon support to the plugin installer.

Another interesting news - kCube Consulting has decided to help the QGIS project by assigning one of their programmers to work on QGIS for 6 months. You can read more about this on Tim’s blog, and visit the wiki to check out the list of possible tasks and leave your own suggestions.

/me put on “Sax & Sex” and began to add icon support to his plugins and those he could reach.

QGIS vs. MapInfo

07.12.2010 14:54 ·  GIS  ·  qgis, mapinfo

A small but interesting comparison of QGIS and MapInfo https://woostuff.wordpress.com/2010/12/06/mapinfo-and-qgis-an-overview/.