Tag: linux

Non-cyclic keyboard layout switching

22.02.2010 16:30 ·  Notes  ·  linux, xkb

I was taken with the idea of non-cyclic layout switching and configured my notebook to work this way.

What is non-cyclic keyboard layout switching? Imagine you have several keyboard layouts; for example, I have three: English, Ukrainian, and Russian. Normally, to switch between these layouts, you use a single shortcut, like Ctrl + Shift, and the layouts change one by one all around: en → uk → ru → en → uk… So if the current layout is English and you need Russian, you would have to press the shortcut twice to get there. Another problem is that in order to switch to the desired layout, you have to remember which keyboard layout is currently active and the order in which they change. You could argue that this is no big deal, as there is a visual indicator in the system tray most of the time. But the truth is that if you often have to switch between layouts and use different layouts in different windows, it is not very convenient, although most people are used to it and do not realise it.

With non-cyclic keyboard layout switching, each layout has its own shortcut, for example, CapsLock for English, Shift + CapsLock for Ukrainian, and Ctrl + CapsLock for Russian. In this case, you only need to press the shortcut once to get the layout you want. You don’t need to worry about which layout is active or remember which layout is used in a particular window. Just press the hotkey before you start typing. Simple.

After a few days of using this setup, I agree that it is indeed much more convenient than the standard cyclic switching, where you have to press the hotkey several times to get the layout you want.

Switching to Linux

10.12.2009 16:36 ·  Notes  ·  linux

I’m gradually moving from a desktop to a laptop, and spending more and more time on Linux.

By and large, the transition to Linux is almost complete. There are still a few projects that were originally developed for Win (they are very specific tools), some of which I plan to port and those that cannot be ported at all - will run in VirtualBox.

From time to time, I find myself missing some programs and tools that I am used to as a user of another system. But this is more due to ignorance.

P.S.: vim, of course, is very powerful, but to get used to it… its tutorial is very short and covers only a few topics.