Circuitscape for Processing

Integrates Circuitscape into QGIS Processing framework.

Circuitscape is an open-source program that uses circuit theory to model connectivity in heterogeneous landscapes. Its most common applications include modeling movement and gene flow of plants and animals, as well as identifying areas important for connectivity conservation.


Once installed and enabled, Circuitscape for Processing is registered as a Processing provider and its algorithms are added to the Processing toolbox under the “Circuitscape” group.

Circuitscape algorithms in the Proceesing toolbox
Circuitscape algorithms in the Proceesing toolbox

You may need to configure the provider before using its tools. Open QGIS options from the menu “Settings → Options” and go to the “Processing” tab. Expand the “Providers” group and find “Circuitscape” sub-group; here you will find all settings related to the Circuitscape provider.

Circuitscape provider settings
Circuitscape provider settings

On Windows and Mac, you will also need to tell the plugin where to find the Circuitscape executable. If this setting is not set, the plugin will assume that Circuitscape executable was already added to the PATH environment variable and it is accessible by name. On Linux, this is setting is ignored as Circuitscape is installed as Python package in the default system Python environment. When done, save settings by pressing “OK”.

Circuitscape algorithms can be used as any other Processing algorithm: in a standalone mode, as a batch processes, as a part of the models and scripts, using qgis_process command line tool. Please refer to the QGIS User Guide to learn how to use Processing tools.

Please refer to the Circuitscape User Guide to learn how to use tools.