QGIS on Android. First steps
17.08.2011 08:56 · GIS · qgis, android
Following the news of the successful cross-compilation of QGIS on Android, QGIS was launched on the ASUS Transformer tablet (Android 3.2) and the Samsung Galaxy phone (CyanogenMod 7RC1).
At the moment, QGIS runs without some features (e.g., no Python support, not all providers are available, etc.), but the GUI is fully functional, although there are some problems using it on mobile phones due to the small screen size.
If you want to give it a try, there is a pre-built APK (note that you need to install Ministro and Qt first; the total download size is ~130 MB). There is also a compilation guide on the wiki.
Video of installing and running QGIS on ASUS tablet