OrfeoToolbox and ESRI File Geodatabase in QGIS
Julien Malik has announced the release of a new plugin for QGIS that provides an interface to the Orfeo Toolbox tools. The new plugin is based on the Processing Framework and requires the OTB libraries and Python bindings in the system. For Windows, you can get the necessary files here. For Linux users, it is a bit more complicated, but the author promises to prepare packages for Ubuntu soon.
So far, the plugin provides the following tools:
- P+XS Pan Sharpening
- Orthorectification
- Optical Calibration
- KMeans clustering
- SVM Supervised Classification
- Mean Shift segmentation
- Change Detection (Multivariate Alteration Detector algorithm)
- Hyperspectral data unmixing
- Filtering (mean, gaussian, anisotropic diffusion)
- Raster conversion and scaling
Over time, the list of available tools will be expanded.
As you know, GDAL 1.9 now supports ESRI ArcObjects (read only) and File Geodatabase (read and write). This means that after rebuilding QGIS with the latest version of GDAL, you will be able to work with these data sources. For Linux users, there is no need to rebuild QGIS; it is enough to make the correct symlinks.