My volunteering
21.03.2012 11:14 · Notes · life
Let’s be clear. The list of projects I’m involved in and things I do isn’t very long at first glance and includes:
- maintaining and developing 26 QGIS plugins (23 Python and 3 C++)
- maintaining translations of 3 manuals
- QGIS core development/bugfixing
- from time to time, small patches to other GIS projects
- SlackBuilds for various GIS software
But. All of this, oddly enough, is done in my spare time (which is quite limited, by the way), not on a full-time basis at work. Some of the things have come about because the functionality I needed was not available or did not meet certain criteria; something was done just for fun.
Therefore, do not be offended, and even more, do not try to play boss, having received a refusal to implement some feature; do not breathe down my neck and constantly pester me to fix a bug that annoys you; do not complain about slowness and lack of attention. I don’t want to and won’t reduce my free time any further. I’d rather just stop doing some things.