MIL-STD-2525D symbol renderer for QGIS
09.07.2023 09:26 · GIS · qgis, plugins
To be effective on the battlefield, make informed and timely decisions, the army needs to analyse tons of data. While all information comes from various sources and in different forms, it ends up being laid out on a map. There are many ways to represent it, and one of them is by using special symbols like the ones described by NATO APP-6D and DOD MIL-STD-2525D standards.
Last year, as a part of the bigger project, I developed a plugin bringing support for NATO APP-6D/DOD MIL-STD-2525D symbols to QGIS. The plugin adds a custom renderer for point layers to draw military symbols based on the SIDC from a feature’s attribute.
Also, it adds an editor widget to make editing/adding SIDC easier and less error-prone.