Alexander Bruy
Geospatial Consultant
Geospatial developer with 14+ years of experience working with QGIS and other open source GIS tools such as GDAL, PostGIS, OTB, SAGA GIS, etc. QGIS core developer, voting member and plugins author.
You may know me from my QGIS contributions and QGIS plugins I have developed. Besides this I have also co-authored “QGIS By Example” and “QGIS 2 Cookbook” books for Packt Publishing and served as a technical reviewer for a couple of others.
As a geospatial consultant I help others to solve their GIS tasks by using my skills and expertise to automate complex workflows with custom scripts and QGIS plugins, integrate 3rd party tools with QGIS and perform all types of spatial analysis. Get in touch to discuss your project and needs.
Custom development solutions to increase productivity by extending QGIS functionality, automating repetitive or complex workflows, integrating 3rd party tools with QGIS. Scripts, plugins, Processing models and more.
Bulk data processing and all types of spatial analysis. Building robust and efficient analysis pipelines to process vector, raster and LIDAR data, automating recurring steps with scripts, plugins or Processing models.
A wide range of courses suitable for complete beginners and more experienced users. Online group and one-to-one training sessions focused on obtaining a hands-on experience according your QGIS needs.